Why Dublin City Schools Feels The Need To Change Our Emails?

Who Knows


So I'm in 5th period, bored AF, and I get this email from the school. I do what any reasonable person would do and abandon everything I'm doing and read it. Of course, I'm expecting some random weekly announcement, event, whatever. Not this. They're going to change our Usernames and Emails.

Now, instead of your username being "graduationDateLastName_firstName"
It will now be "lastName.number" with that number being there for duplicate last names (higher number --> more duplicates). It may look better, but I can assure you, shorter does not mean better. Here's why.

Imagine this, your emailing your friend. You type in his first and last name and boom, you found his email. However with the new emails, it isn't as easy. This time you only type in his last name because his first name doesn't matter, and boom you see 25 emails from Smith.1 to Smith.25. Which one is your friend? It is time for you to put on your thinking cap and solve the problem at hand.

1. Profile pictures. You reaize that not everyone has the same profile picture. Smart. You start to narrow down the list but then you realize that your friend changed his profile picture for the 15th time this month. You end up narrowing down the number of emails to 10.

2. Teachers. All of the teachers have different domain names than students do. You narrow the number of emails down to 8.

3. You come up with a solution. You decide to wait for the end of the day and ask him on the bus what his email is. He tells you his email is Smith.23@dublinstudents.net. You feel so accomplished. You get off the bus and run home, so excited. You pull out your computer, start writing your email, and then it hits you. You could've just told him in person.

I realize that this would never happen and if for some reason you are still reading this you are thinking, "This idiot wrote a whole story about some random email change." The only two reasons I wrote this in a story format is 1, I thought it would be funnier to share my thoughts this way and 2, today's wordle was "story". Sorry for spoilers.

Wordle 317 2/6

To contrast what I said at the start, there is a good reason for this email change. And that is for better organization and for duplicate names. The only reason I wrote this blog post about something this stupid is because like I said earlier, 5th period is unbelievably boring.

So uh, thanks for reading I guess. I hope you enjoyed reading an idiot complain about the stupidest thing ever.
